Pueblo de San Ildefonso Law Library
Pueblo de San Ildefonso Code. Findings

(a) Section 5(a)(ii)(A) of the Agreement requires the Pueblo to enact an Annual Budget which includes all projected revenues and expenditures;

(b) For budget purposes, revenues are defined as increases in financial resources received during the year to meet financial obligations incurred during the year;

(c) The Governor's Office and Tribal Council have developed and proposed an Annual Budget to continue operating the Tribe's departments and programs for the next fiscal year;

(d) The Pueblo's Annual Budget consists of four (4) fund types within the financial system: the General Fund that is the basic operating fund that accounts for everything not accounted for in another governmental fund; the Special Revenue Fund that is specific revenue fund sources that are limited to being used for a particular purpose; the Capital Projects Fund for fund accounts for the construction, rehabilitation, and acquisition of capital assets, such as land, buildings, equipment, and roads; and the Business Fund for funds on activities financed primarily by revenues generated by activities themselves;

(e) The Pueblo's FY 2015-2016 Annual Budget is divided into three (4) categories with the following amounts:

GENERAL FUND $2,505,812

(f) The Pueblo de San Ildefonso's total FY 2015-2016 Annual Budget Council is $10,620,566.