Pueblo de San Ildefonso Law Library
Pueblo de San Ildefonso Code. Findings

(a) The Pueblo, by and through United States Public Laws 105-17 and 108-446, has contracted and administered key functions to the Pueblo through the Bureau of Indian Education to provide Early Childhood Education through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; and,

(b) the Infant and Toddler program funding provides programs to assist in child find, screening, and other procedures for the early identification of children aged 0-5, parent training, and the provision of direct services; and,

(c) the Pueblo currently operates and administers the Infant and Toddler program under the Pueblo's Education Department, Early Childhood Program, in compliance with all components of the application for contract; and,

(d) the Pueblo wishes to amend and extend the contract for Infant and Toddler program funding for the 3-year period, FY 2019-2021, ending June 30, 2022 to assist in meeting the needs of our children.