Pueblo de San Ildefonso Law Library
Pueblo de San Ildefonso Code. Insert

(a) The Council hereby authorizes and directs the Governor to take all steps necessary to submit the application for federal funding to continue the Senior Citizens Program for the Pueblo through ENIPC, Inc., and to take all other actions necessary to carry out the intent of this Resolution and law.

(b) The Council hereby authorizes and directs the Governor to negotiate and execute a Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA") or a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with ENIPC, Inc., to provide the Pueblo with greater oversight of the Senior Citizens Program operated by ENIPC, Inc. for the Pueblo including the authority of the Pueblo to determine the budget for the Pueblo's Senior Citizens Program pursuant to the formal Annual Budget and/or Budget Modification process, and including a plan which shall be developed within two years for the Pueblo to independently operate and manage its Senior Citizens Program when appropriate.