Pueblo de San Ildefonso Law Library
Pueblo de San Ildefonso Code. Findings

The Council hereby finds and declares that:

(a) In order to provide maximum behavioral health services and to address substance/alcohol abuse in the Pueblo community, pursuant to 25 U.S.C. § 5321(a)(1), the Pueblo has authorized ENIPC to administer the Indian Health Service federal programs, functions, services and activities identified in contract no. HHSI 242 2020 10003C ("ISDEAA Contract"); and,

(b) The present ISDEAA Contract will expire on September 30, 2022 and in order to continue providing these programs through ENIPC, the Pueblo must reauthorize ENIPC to re-contract with the Indian Health Service to continue to administer the federal programs, functions, services and activities identified in the present ISDEAA Contract for an additional three-year period ending on September 30, 2025 as set out in the attachment to this Resolution; and,

(c) It is in the best interests of the Pueblo to approve and authorize ENIPC to re-contract with the United States Indian Health Service to continue to administer the federal programs, functions, services and activities identified in the ISDEAA Contract [HHSI 242 2020 10003C] for the period beginning October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2025, in accordance with the Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act, 25 U.S.C. § 5301.