Pueblo de San Ildefonso Law Library
Pueblo de San Ildefonso Code. Authorizations

(a) The Governor is authorized to contract with the BIA for programs and services that are beneficial to the Pueblo without the need to return to the Council for a resolution or authorization for the "638" contract, particularly if it is for a renewal of an existing contract.

(b) The Governor is authorized to negotiate and execute a contract agreement and to take any other actions necessary to effectuate a contract for the following BIA-contracted programs:

Consolidated Tribal Government Program

Indian Child Welfare Act Program

Johnson O'Malley Program

Scholarships Program

(c) The Governor is also authorized to negotiate and execute a new contract agreement for any other BIA program not listed in Section 1.4(b) above, and upon issuance of a "638" contract by BIA, such program shall be subject to the continuing authorization of this Act.

(d) In the event that BIA requires a specific resolution or other authorization for a "638" contract, the Governor is authorized to issue a form of resolution or authorization in accordance with the Pueblo's Grant Authorization Act.

(e) When a "638" contract application or agreement has been submitted to BIA under the authorizations of this Act, the Governor shall notify the Council of such submission at the next Council meeting.

(f) This authorization shall remain in effect until rescinded by the Council.