Pueblo de San Ildefonso Law Library
Pueblo de San Ildefonso Code. Budget Modification

(a) The current FY 2016-2017 Annual Budget, prior to this enactment, is as follows:

(b) The Council hereby approves Budget Modification No. 1 to the FY 2016-2017 Annual Budget, which includes the following:

(1) BIA – CTGP Realty (20-xxxx-200-206-17):

Increase budget by $1,078.00 due to funding agency increase.

(2) BIA – CTGP Tribal Courts (20-xxxx-200-203-17):

Increase budget by $265,047.00 due to funding agency increase.

(3) BIE – Early Childhood (20-xxxx-200-224-15):

Increase budget by $64,313.00 due to funding agency increase.

(4) EPA – General Assistance Program (GAP) (20-xxxx-400-401-18):

Increase budget by $109,279.00 due to funding agency increase.

(5) State of NM – Tribal Libraries Program (20-xxxx-755-714-16):

Move funds greater that 10%; no increase or decrease.

(6) BIA – Accounting/Administration (10-xxxx-200-205-17)

Increase budget by $20,000.00.

(7) DOE – LAPP (20-xxxx-450-450-99)

Increase budget by $91,910.39.

(8) DOE – NRDA (20-xxxx-450-451-99)

Decrease budget by $91,910.39.

(9) GF – Tribal Distribution (Fund Code to be determined):

Increase budget by $79,000.00.

*Modification Approval Sheets (packets) for each program are attached.

(c) Budget Modification No. 1 results in changes as follows:

Increase to the Special Revenue Fund (SRF): $459,717.00
Increase to the General Fund (GF): $ 79,000.00
Total Increase: $538,717.00

(d) The Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-2017, after Budget Modification No. 1, is adjusted with new amounts as follows: