2020 Council Resolutions Resolution No. SI-R20-028: Grievance Policy Revision Act Resolution No. SI-R20-027: Tunyo and San Ildefonso Pueblo Revolt Landscape Oral History Project Act Resolution No. SI-R20-025: Approving the Energy Feasibility & Mineral Development Program (EMDP), Department of Interior Grant Application Resolution No. SI-R20-024: Extension of Grant Application and Authorization Act of 2018 Resolution No. SI-R20-023: Act Authorizing Second Amendment to the Business Lease with the San Ildefonso Services, LLC for the White Rock Gas Station and Convenience Store Resolution No. SI-R20-022: Act Authorizing Second Amendment to the Business Lease with the San Ildefonso Services, LLC for the Totavi Gas Station and Convenience Store Resolution No. SI-R20-021: First Amendment to the Property Management Contract Authorization Act Resolution No. SI-R20-020: Quarantine and Safe House Property Purchase Authorization Act Resolution No. SI-R20-019: Amendment to the San Ildefonso Services, LLC Member's Representatives Compensation Act of 2019 Resolution No. SI-R20-018: Approval to Apply for the FY 2020 Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) Competitive Grant Program to Build Bus Stops Along the North Central Regional Transit District (NCRTD) Routes in the Pueblo de San Ildefonso Resolution No. SI-R20-017: New Funding Budget Modification to Appropriate Matching Funds Resolution No. SI-R20-016: Tribal Member Distribution Authorization Act Amendment Resolution No. SI-R20-015: Contract Authorization with Portfolio Monitoring, LLC Resolution No. SI-R20-014: Submittal for 23 U.S.C. 202 Tribal Transportation Planning (66K) and the Tribal Transportation Program (TTP)(6K1) Funding Resolution No. SI-R20-013: Audit Authorization, Acceptance, and Responsibility Act Resolution No. SI-R20-012: Annual Budget Authorization for Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Resolution No. SI-R20-011: Act Authorizing the Governor to Proceed with Wastewater Phase II (A) Resolution No. SI-R20-010: Budget Authorization for COVID-19 Grant from the United States Treasury Resolution No. SI-R20-007: Act Authorizing Signature of Amended Cost-Sharing and System Integration Agreement Resolution No. SI-R20-005: Act Authorizing Signature of the Memorandum of Agreement Between the Pueblo de San Ildefonso and the Pueblo of Pojoaque for Law Enforcement Services Resolution No. SI-R20-004: Act Authorizing Signature of Pojoaque Basin Regional Water System Project Construction Agreement with Amended Exhibit A Resolution No. SI-R20-003: Act Authorizing Assessment of Areas for Potential Warehouse and Distribution Center Resolution No. SI-R20-002: Authorizing Application to the Local Government Planning Fund and Designating the Highest Elected Official/Authorized Officer, Primary Contact, and Consultant Resolution No. SI-R20-001: Authorization for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget Modification No. 1 Tabled Resolutions Resolution No. SI-R20-006: First Amendment to the Animal Control Act