2017 Council Resolutions Resolution No. SI-R17-048: Act Authorizing Signature of Roads Settlement Agreement Resolution No. SI-R17-047: Approving and Enacting Amended Articles of Organization and Amended Operating Agreement for San Ildefonso Services, LLC Resolution No. SI-R17-044: Authorizing the FY 2017-2019 Infant and Toddler Contract Amendment and Extension Resolution No. SI-R17-043: New Funding Council Adjustment 2 (NF-2) to the FY 2017-2018 Annual Budget Resolution No. SI-R17-040: Act Rescinding the Delegation of the Pueblo de San Ildefonso's Governance Authority over the Santa Fe Indian School Trust Lands Resolution No. SI-R17-039: Authorizing the Pueblo de San Ildefonso to Direct the Department of Interior, Office of the Special Trustee, to Invest Funds Allocated by the Aamodt Settlement Act Resolution No. SI-R17-037: Act Authorizing Sixth Withdrawal of Aamodt Water Settlement Trust Funds from the Office of Special Trustee to Fund Aamodt Settlement Implementation Activities Requested by Pueblo in Coordination with Regional Water System Work Resolution No. SI-R17-036: Supporting a Strong 2018 Farm Bill for Indian Country Resolution No. SI-R17-035: Investment Funds Management Act of 2017 Resolution No. SI-R17-034: The Accounting Policies & Procedures Manual Act of 2017 Resolution No. SI-R17-033: Court Filings Limitation Act of 2017 Resolution No. SI-R17-032: Act Authorizing Signature of Right-Of-Way Agreement with DOE/NNSA for the Norton Electric Transmission Line Resolution No. SI-R17-031: Commitment to Develop and Implement an Asset Management Plan Resolution No. SI-R17-030: Authorizing and Approving Submission of a Completed Application for Financial Assistance and Project Approval to the New Mexico Finance Authority Resolution No. SI-R17-029: Authorizing Submittal of the FY 2017-2019 Johnson O'Malley Contract Application Resolution No. SI-R17-028: Amending Article XI(I) of the Third Amended Articles of Organization and Section 2.7.3 of the Fourth Amended Operating Agreement of San Ildefonso Services, LLC Resolution No. SI-R17-026: New Funding Council Adjustment 1 (NF-1) to the Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Annual Budget Resolution No. SI-R17-024: Submittal for 23 USC 202 Tribal Transportation Planning (66K) and the Tribal Transportation Program (TTP)(6K1) Funding Resolution No. SI-R17-023: The Council Contracting Authorization Act of 2017 Resolution No. SI-R17-022: Supplemental Indian Education Program Modernizationact of 2017 (S. 943) Resolution No. SI-R17-021: Act Confirming the Pueblo de San Ildefonso Is Not a Party Necessary to the Lawsuit Between Jemez Pueblo and the U.S. Regarding Jemez Pueblo's Aboriginal Title in the Valles Caldera Resolution No. SI-R17-020: Act Adopting and Ratifying the 2014 Master Land Use Plan Scheme 3 Resolution No. SI-R17-019: Act Authorizing the Change in Designation of Certain Roads Within the Pueblo de San Ildefonso in the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory Under BIA Resolution No. SI-R17-018: Act to Transfer Ownership and Operation of C-Stores to San Ildefonso Services, LLC Resolution No. SI-R17-017: Tribal Historic Preservation Office Establishment Act of 2017 Resolution No. SI-R17-016: Authorization for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget Modification No. 2 Resolution No. SI-R17-015: Annual Budget Authorization for Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Resolution No. SI-R17-014: Home Ownership and Property Transfer Clarification Act Resolution No. SI-R17-012: Act Authorizing Fourth Withdrawal of Aamodt Water Settlement Trust Funds from the Office of Special Trustee to Fund Aamodt Settlement Implementation Activities Requested by Pueblo in Coordination with Regional Water System Work Resolution No. SI-R17-011: New Funding Council Adjustment 3 (NF-3) to the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Annual Budget Resolution No. SI-R17-010: Act Authorizing the Bureau of Reclamation and Its Contractors to Perform the Pilot Water Treatment Plant Testing Plan Resolution No. SI-R17-009: Confirming Delegation of Authority to the Northern Pueblos Housing Authority to Apply for 2017 ICDBG Funding for Rehabilitation of Existing Homes for Low-Income Pueblo Members Resolution No. SI-R17-008: Fiscal Procedures Act Amendment of 2017 Resolution No. SI-R17-007: Amending Section 2.1 of the Fourth Amended Operating Agreement of San Ildefonso Services, LLC (F/K/A San Ildefonso Custodial, LLC) to Identify Current Board of Managers Resolution No. SI-R17-006: Act Acknowledging Medrano Boundary Survey and Authorizing Recording of the Survey with Appropriate Entities Resolution No. SI-R17-005: Act Authorizing Location of Water Treatment Plant as Part of Aamodt Water Rights Settlement Resolution No. SI-R17-004: Act Authorizing Signature of Joint Powers Agreement as Part of Aamodt Water Rights Settlement Resolution No. SI-R17-003: Personnel Policy Manual Clarification Act Resolution No. SI-R17-002: Authorization for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget Modification No. 1 Resolution No. SI-R17-001: Tribal Member Distribution Authorization Act Tabled Resolutions Resolution No. SI-R17-042: Approving and Authorizing the Economic Development Lease Agreement with San Ildefonso Services, LLC for the White Rock Convenience Store Resolution No. SI-R17-041: Approving and Authorizing the Economic Development Lease Agreement with San Ildefonso Services, LLC for the Totavi Convenience Store Resolution No. SI-R17-025: Approving and Authorizing the Pueblo de San Ildefonso FY 2019-2023 Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP)